Our Florists at Flowers on the Hilltop, Glendene

Ready to create a beautiful floral arrangements for you, whatever the occasion.
Meet our group of talented, experienced florists ready to help at Flowers on the Hilltop Glendene.
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Meet Philippa, owner of Flowers on the Hilltop Glendene.

Philippa was trained by Mr Berin Spiro a household name in floristry for those in the know, a perfectionist in his training gave Philippa  the edge, allowing her to travel the globe working in prestigious places like the Savoy Hotel in London, doing designs for Corporate Clients, West End Show Openings, Designs for Superyachts and the America's Cup Fleets.

Philippa brings to Flowers on the Hilltop Glendene , 30+ years of experience, her passion for floristry and a ripping sense of humour. We are so fortunate to have her as a talented staff member.

Meet Lynn, our gardening and herbal specialist

Lynn has a wonderfully long association with Flowers on the Hilltop stretching back to November 2008.
Lynn has formally retired but just can’t give up her floristry ,she now assists with training and nurturing our newer florists.
Lynn, along with her ever willing husband Maurice , is a tower of strength on big floristry events like Valentines Day and Mothers Day.
Lynn’s experience stretches back to an apprenticeship in Mt Eden some 51 years ago as a young passionate girl of 16, her love of flowers hasn’t diminished with her favourite flower being the colourful pansy, followed closely by all the spring flowers which she loves as they have a definite season.
When not in the store Lynn can be found growing gorgeous vegetables from her home garden along with many varieties of herbs.
Being the main stay of the local gardening club for over 35 years and two herbal clubs as well for some 12 years plus keeps her very busy and occupied with her community.
PS: if you’re needing herbalist advice, knowledge or folklore , or the how too on mixing a potion to cure arthritis, seek out Lynn’s expertise.

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Meet Betty, our teeny tiny recently elevated Senior Florist.

Betty would love to learn the Violin and is currently learning about music to pursue this dream, she also loves playing tennis.

Betty has another string to her bow being very accomplished in sign language, conversing easily with the deaf community.
Betty’s favourite flowers are the spring flowers with delicious perfume, in particular Daffodils and erlicheer.

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Meet Eric, our hard working Senior Florist

Eric has been part of the Flowers on The Hilltop  team since March 2016. He originally started as a ‘sign boy’ and is now  trained to Senior florist level , quite an achievement as Eric until 2021 was still  at high school working his holidays as well as Saturdays and Sundays . Eric has  a wonderful eye for colour combinations and has developed his own style . Eric’s favourite flower is the bright and cheerful sunflower.

Meet Sandra, formal arrangement specialist and behind the scenes savior

Sandra joined our team in December of 2016 bringing with her a wealth of floristry experience. Her love of flowers began as an eight year old child, helping out in her Aunt’s florist shop, Verlaines in Mt Eden , dare I say, half a century ago .
Sandra has seen floristry change and evolve throughout the years but this hasn’t dented her passion for flowers.
Sandra’s skills and knowledge of the industry are a credit to her continued involvement in floristry and a bonus for the store.
When not involved with flowers Sandra can be found swimming at the local West Wave pool, cooking up a storm for her Hubby and family, painting and keeping in touch with the community via a long standing association with Zonta International Club.
Sandra’s favourite flower is the beautiful Iris.
Sandra joins our team when we have extra busy period to lend her expertise making her gorgeous arrangements.

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Meet Ellie, our training florist

Ellie started with us at flowers on the hilltop in November of 2022. Since then she has made an amazing amount of progress. She works with us part time while studying a Marketing and Communications degree. In her spare time, you’ll find her drinking lots of coffee, hanging out with her ginger cat Roxy and travelling to Tauranga to see family. Her favourite flower is a peony